


The dissemination of the project results in the Partner Countries will be achieved using a strategy of dissemination based in three main channels, directly related to project activities: i) Creation of the Academia –Industry Councils; ii) Realisation of 5 international seminars iii) Development of the web-portal.​​​2012-10-15_09_18_24_htwk_leipzig.jpg
​​​ Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

WP5 Progress Reports


Work Packages Output

  1. NewsLetters 
  2. Press Releases
  3. AIC meetings and workshops
  4. WP-5_Dissemination_and_Sustainability Plan_HTWK-UJ-final
  5. FOODQA Academia-Industry Council 
  6. Dissemination report_FOODQA-UJ.pdf
  7. FOODQA Project_SUSTAINABILITY_UJ (1).pptx
  8. Desimination report-BAU.pdf 
  9. FoodQA GCREEDER 2018 .pdf
  10. FoodQA Lectures at GCREADER.pptm
  11. Implementation report_FOODQA -dissemination at UJ.pdf
  12. sustainability template).doc
  13. sustainability template2.doc 
  14. Facebook Page​
  16. Letters of Consent

                5.1 Definition of the web portal
                5.2 Development/validation of the architecture of the web-portal. 
                5.3 Development and validation of the web-portal
                5.4 Gathering information.
                5.5 project newsletter
                5.6 definition of the academia-industry council.
                5.7 invitations to representatives for the council.
                5.8 Council meeting.
                5.9 Definition or the model of Associated of the FoodQA Centres.

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"