FOODQA Academia-Industry Council
The FoodQA Project
The FoodQA project aims at reinforcing and structuring a Jordanian network for promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the food area, while improving the flow of knowledge and cooperation between HEI and industry. To achieve this ambitious goal, the consortium identified a set of activities to be carried out through the creation of the FoodQA centers. These activities will lead to key changes in teaching and learning approaches and will build strong & durable bridges between academia and industry.
The specific objectives of FoodQA are:
- To specify the needs in food companies in order to better shape training courses and encourage close interactions of authorities with the concerned companies. The short-term objective is to define roadmaps to guide future innovations of food businesses and to allow ideas to better fit industrial constraints and address current market needs. The long-term objective is to offer mentoring services to all partners and to give help to companies interested in developing new technologies and products.
- To develop a more professional and complete approach that will federate experts of several disciplines to support the best projects and allow their transfer within a food company partner of the project or in HEIs' incubators. The new training model will be disseminated and promoted through this project network and during related competitions after the end of the project.
- To analyze and address the skills and needs of food companies in order to propose new training sessions (some in common with students) thus enhancing and normalizing interactions.
- To put together revised and new training courses for all stakeholders. The FoodQA ambition is to ensure the training of a number of staff on project management and thus to organize 30 hours/year of teaching on innovation processes and management in industries in each HEI. Legislative authorities will provide the legal advice and solutions for the obstacles.
See the following file:
Academia-Industry Council Meetings Presentations
- FoodQA Project-Council Presentation-first meeting.pptx
- قانون الغذاء.pptx
- MONOJO food services.pptx
- Halal food.pptx
- FoodQA Project-Council Presentation-nov.23.pptx
- Diet and Microbiome-future of food science and technology.pptx
- Pittia_Labelling_April 2018.pptx
- Pittia_Formulation April 2018.pptx
- ISO 9001_ed_29 Apr.pptx
- ISO 9001_Clauses_Explanation.pptx
- General Food Laws.pptx
- foodQA_Slides_IFS_Training_Amman_April2018.pptx
Links for Some photos during workshops:
- Cleaning and Disinfection workshop at JUST university 29-30 July 2018
- Cleaning and Disinfection workshop at JUST university 11-12 April 2018
- Cleaning and Disinfection workshop at JUST university 27-28 June 2018
- Quality Management System and Microbiological Testing workshop
- Academia-Industry Council Third Meeting, Seminars, and Workshops, Amman, April 29-29, 2018 Album1 + Album 2