1. Kick-off Meeting (23-25) February 2017
  2. First academia-industry council meeting- Star Plaza hotel, Amman 17 May 2017
  3. ​​Jordan Food Expo 8 July 2017
  4. Second Management Meeting, Leipzig university 10-14 September 2017
  5. Staff training in Porto 22 to 26 January 2018
  6. Student Training in Porto 22 January to 2 February 2018
  7. Training in Italy January 28 to 3 February 2018
  8. Management and technical Third Meeting in Porto 22 to 24 January 2018
  9. Cleaning and disinfection Workshop in JUST ( April 2018)
  10. Cleaning and disinfection Workshop in JUST university​​
  11. ​​Academia-Industry Council Third Meeting, Seminars, and Workshops, Amman, April 29-29, 2018.
  12. FOODQA 4th Management Meeting at JUST 30 April 2018.
  13. Academia-Industry Council Fourth Meeting, and Workshops, Al-Karak, April 3-4, 2019.
  14. ​FOODQA 5th Management Meeting at ​Split, Croatia in August 2019.
  15. FOODQA 6th Management Meeting ​April 2019 at Amman.
  16. Academia-Industry Council Sixth Meeting, at JUST in November 2019.
  17. FOODQA 7th Management Meeting at the Dead Sea in March 2020.
  18. FOODQA Students Competition at JUST in December 2019.
  19. Winner Students Training in Italy-Teramo in January 2020.
  20. Visit Dairy Haretna ​​ on 18/4/2019 with EU partners​.
  21. Visit Bravo Factory on 20/4/2019 with EU partners.
  22. Visit Fresh Fruit Company on 20/4/2019 with EU partners.
  23. Opening of FOODQA Labs at MU in April 2019.
  24. Ader Dairy got HACCP.
  25. Opening of FOODQA Lab at the University of Jordan in March 2019.
  26. Food safety systems and HACCP program was held at BAU in February 2019
  27. Training workshop in quality management at UJ in ​February 2019.
  28. ​Food Quality Management System Training Course at J.U.S.T. on March 2019


"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"