
Training of academia and industry


This activity will focus of the training of the academia and industry partners. All the previously prepared training and learning materials will used to train the both the industry and academia partners. In this activity the use of training tools also should be implemented and validated.

      ​​WP3 Progress Reports



Work Package Output

  • Semenars & Workshops 
  1. foodQA Project-Council Presentation-first meeting.pptx
  2. قانون الغذاء.pptx
  3. MONOJO food services.pptx
  4. Halal food.pptx
  5. FoodQA Project-Council Presentation-nov.23.pptx
  6. Diet and Microbiome-future of food science and technology.pptx
  7. ISO 9001_ed_29 Apr.pptx
  8. ISO 9001_Clauses_Explanation.pptx
  9. Pittia_Labelling_April 2018.pptx
  10. General Food Laws.pptx
  11. Pittia_Formulation April 2018.pptx
  12. foodQA_Slides_IFS_Training_Amman_April2018.pptx
  13. FOOD SAFETY_and_HYGIENE seminar.ppt
  14. corona virus.pdf
  15. Diet and Microbiome-future of food science and technology (1).pdf
  16. food and microbiome lecture.pdf
  17. FoodQA_Final_Conference_presentation_P_B.pdf
  18. Halal food.pdf
  19. olive new.pdf
  20. Pittia_Formulation April 2018.pdf
  21. Pittia_Labelling_April 2018.pdf
  22. قانون الغذاء.pdf
  23. BRC_Food_8_Standard_Arabic.pdf
  24. foodQA_Slides_IFS_Training_Amman_April2018.pdf
  25. General Food Laws.pdf
  26. Halal food2 (1).pdf
  27. ifs_food_6_checklist_eng_PB (1).pdf
  28. IFS_Food_Defense_Guideline.pdf
  29. IFS_Food_Fraud_Guide.pdf
  30. IFS_Food_V6_1_en.pdf
  31. IFSFood7_finalconsultationdraft_21Oct2019.pdf
  32. ISO 9001_Clauses_Explanation.pdf
  33. ISO 9001_ed_29 Apr.pdf
  34. WP3_Training of Academia and Industry-Porto.pdf

3.1 Preparation of the seminars.
3.2 Realisation of the seminars.
            3.3 Preparation of the training courses.
           3.4 Realisation of the training courses.

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"