Development of training courses


In this stage the definition and validation of the content of the training materials and courses will be carried out.  Jpg alta definizione.jpg

WP2 Progress Reports

University of Teramo 

Report on Training needs.pdf
Training Report_Quality Management Tools.pdf
Food Safety Hazards_Cleaning and Disinfiction.pdf
Food safety management systems.pdf
Implementation report_FOODQA (1).pdf
Personal Hygiene_Pest Controle.pdf

Work Package Output 

                2.1 Definitions of the educational dossiers and contents for the 6 training courses.
                  2.2 developments of the 6 training courses.
                  2.3 validation of the training courses.
                  2.4 definition of the model of e-learning courses.
                  2.5 definition and validation of content of the e-learning courses.
                  2.6 Development of the 2 e-learning courses.
                  2.7 Validation of the 2 e-learning courses.
                  2.8 installations of the e-library and e-learning.

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"